Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Keeping politics off the forum might encourage the decorum here, but just the same this is a gun forum. If we ignore the politics which control our American right to bear arms we may well lose that right. We need the political discussion and we'd be fools to fail to voice our 2nd amendment support. Contributions to the NRA political victory fund are likely our best bet to protect our constitutional right. The anti's know the power of the NRA; that is why their hatred of the organization is so vocal...Geo

King,since you are on our side, why not follow JM's lead and make a NRA donation yourself?

George...what an excellent post. Polite, and yet on point. Thank you.

It was an epic drive. Unfortunately it was in the wrong fairway.

Please stay on topic.

The hopes of a nation rest on two cities, Toronto and Winnipeg.
(Worked hockey and golf in. Awesome.)