Originally Posted By: King Brown
Jager, I like you for your manners and your posts have been informative to me. We're trying to keep politics off the forum and overall we're doing a good job. At no time has there been less political comment and more tumultuous goings-on about gun control. That's remarkable constraint and I hope others want to keep it that way.

It is quite understandable that King says he likes Jagermeister for his fake manners and dishonesty, since fake manners and dishonesty has been King's stock in trade here for many years.

I really got a kick out of King's dishonest rejection of Geo's suggestion that he make a monetary donation to the NRA. King says his contribution to the NRA had been stated here. That was a lie. King told us many times that he wrote to the NRA with his own ideas about countering gun control. But King would never tell us exactly what he suggested to them, despite my asking him many times to share with us what he wrote to them. However, it is safe to say that King had suggested the same kinds of whipped puppy responses such as giving up semi-autos and large capacity magazines and Universal Background Checks that he had suggested here on numerous occasions. King's ideas were to make concessions to Obama and Co., and then try to gain back some of what we gave up later. Thankfully, the NRA did not even respond to King, let alone take his idiotic advice.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'd feel better about 2nd protection if our side stopped shooting itself in the foot with the makes-no-difference between 10 and larger magazines, cross-messaging of the worst kind. The antis are saying if the difference is 6-8 seconds what's the problem of excluding the 10-plus?

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Your messages appear as from one who hasn't been involved directly in action of what it takes to beat back grabbers other than a NRA membership. (And that antagonizing NRA comment while the nation mourning was no service to our cause, as I said here at the time. Better that the NRA would consider what Obama proposing and it would respond in good time in the country's best interests etc.)

King would no sooner help the NRA than he would endorse Donald Trump for re-election. King is here to undermine us and LULL people into thinking there is no threat from the Liberal Left Democrats to our gun rights. King and Jagermeister are two trolls who do all they can to subvert any discussions that might actually inform guys about the very real threats we face.

I don't care about the F-bombs that I got from JBRooster last week. He knows who the real trolls are now. I wouldn't expect anything but F-bombs and insults from Bob Cash, and certainly wouldn't expect any of our Fake Ass Gentlemen (F.A.G.s) or Manners Police to utter a peep of protest about it either. I actually love it when they show their hand... and their hypocrisy. We don't need people like this on our side or in some Big Tent. Embracing guys like King is about as intelligent as injecting your own liver with cancerous cells. They are the enemy within, and no one should be fooled by any fake manners or attempts to suppress repetition of their anti-gun rhetoric.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Rudeness, bullying, serial self-abasement on keith's part, have been part of the forum, now considerably less, but I stand by not seeing evidence of anti-gunners here. The notion anti-gunners are those not thinking as keith is absurd.

And for King to actually read his own anti-gun words... and those from his friend Ed Good suggesting that we disarm... and still say he sees no evidence of anti-gun sentiment here, shows exactly how dishonest he really is. It takes a real honest-to-God pathological liar to see Ed Good saying in writing that we should disarm, and make the statement he did above.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.