Originally Posted By: King Brown
Believe what you want to believe. Read your history. My observations are based on history of the issue. Positions changed about the Second, by jurists themselves, even the NRA. That's why there's a debate. Mentioning facts doesn't make me a liar. As posted above, to give a little nudge: " It's absurd for the educated in the 21st century to believe one ideology fits all, and pure fantasy to say that one is purer, more virtuous than the others as fundamentalists everywhere do."

I'm not sure I would call it a debate King. As a matter of fact I'm sure it's not a debate.

What it appears to me to be is an attack on property rights by those who feel we should not be allowed to own and use firearms. It is a constant, never ending, never satisfied attack. Those who own guns aren't motivated to debate the issue....only to defend themselves.

The attack is perpetrated by those with extreme views and for fodder, they use the complicit media and low information voters. They lie about and manipulate data. They appeal to emotion with exaggerated pathos. And they ignore the real root causes (which on other subjects dear to their hearts they are so interested in...."poor johnny had no choice to be a car jacking violent meth head.....white privilege and parental drug abuse made him what he is") of mental illness, side effects of prescription drugs, bullying and ostracism and simply pure evil.

At the same time, they ignore easily taken steps that infringe on no law abiding individual's rights that could save tens of thousands of lives.

yup, this shit's political, it's no debate...it's a war....and you are on the wrong side to be regularly posting on this site.

On the other hand, I hope you stay and continue posting. Keep you friends close and your enemies closer. laugh

Now, to stay on topic, I've never liked M21's. IMHO They are ugly and their vaunted strength is a (back to my marketing background) feature with no real benefit that sets it apart. It's the product, however, of fantastic marketing. And for that, I have nothing but admiration.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia