It's Good Friday King. Why don't you tell us that charming story where you claim that your Father converted to Catholicism without belief in the resurrection of Jesus, and that the Jesuit Priests who converted him didn't believe in the resurrection either? After that, perhaps you could finally show us where I ever once disrespected your father. That was another of the many lies you've told here that I haven't forgotten.

I didn't believe that conversion to Catholicism story when you told it the first time, and I still don't believe it now. I don't think you were able to accept your Dad's conversion to Catholicism any more than you are able to accept our 2nd Amendment Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I have also noticed that you never capitalize the "G" in God, but you always remember to hit the Caps key when you refer to Mohammed or the Prophet of Islam. I'll bet you'll be careful to use the capital "G" now, because it is so important to try to deceive people, isn't it?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.