keith, for accuracy's sake, the higher clergy were of The Antigonish Movement, not the Jesuits whom my father also admired. It doesn't matter what you believe. It happened exactly the way I earlier described his conversion. Dishonour is saying it's a lie.

Nursing him alone 24/7, I was with him all the way. Doctrine didn't matter as much as his being a young Communist as were many others looking for something better than capitalism during the Depression. The Church finessed it by saying Dad was head of his times.

The reason for the consanguinity of my spirituality, and using another expression for deity, is in my post above to Stan. I would appreciate more respect from you toward my father's conversion.

As for accepting the Second one way or another, to me it's simply an interesting controversy saturating US public life although I remind true believers from time it's not as cut-and-dried as they see it. Nothing ever is.