I see you weren't able to refute your latest lie about the NRA changing it's position over time concerning the meaning of the 2nd Amendment, King. The NRA had to change priorities in response to anti-gunners like you, but they never believed that the right to keep and bear arms was limited to some defunct militia.

Miller was absolutely right to call you a liar and to admonish you for continuing to preach your false dogma here in your eternal quest to advance your false narrative, which you call opinion. And your lie about never seeing any anti-gun sentiment here is evident to all but the most sociopathic mentally ill.

But you still maintain that you do not lie. Amazing!

I may have erred by confusing the Catholic clerics who converted your father by referring to them as Jesuits rather than members of the Antigonish movement. But I am still throwing the bullshit flag on your contention that they baptized him knowing he did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is the one and only, most basic tenet of Catholicism and Christianity. You are suggesting he joined up to worship a mere mortal and an imposter who lied about being God's son. Then you compounded that bullshit by telling us that those Priests don't believe it either, and another group of Catholic Priests you met here in the States also told you in unison that they also do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus.

And you accuse me of dishonoring him. You take deception to levels that most of us find inconceivable. I've caught you in too many lies to fall for this unadulterated bullshit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.