One cannot believe in Jesus without believing in the existence of Abraham & Moses for he speaks of both of them. While true we have not "Seen" God or Jesus Evidence of their existence is astronomical. Those of us who Believe are not taking a Giant Leap in the Dark. The Biblical Scriptures have stood up against all detractors throughout the ages & will continue to do so. Jesus Said "If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments". There is a lot more involved than "Universal Love". The Bible from Genesis through The Revelation is centered around the coming of the Messiah, IE Jesus our Savior. Throughout all those ages Obedience to God's Word has been an absolute Necessity. Mankind did not get a Free ticket by the Crucifiction of Jesus on the Cross.

"IF" I were the Judge I would likely be swayed by personal feelings, God will not, his Judgement will be Just & will be in accordance to obedience to what he has spoken & revealed to us. Take this for whatever its worth to you.

As to the constitution it was written so that it could only be changed by the proper procedure of Amendments. The US is not a "Democracy", it is a "Republic" . "I Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America & to the ""Republic"" for which it Stands". Sound familiar. It was set up on Democratic principles, but is not a true Democracy. If it were then a simple majority vote could change the entire constitution but that is not the case, fortunately. Our foreFathers had better vision than that. It was of course based on their past experiences.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra