Originally Posted By: King Brown
I have no quarrel with those who believe or don't, the injunction to love each other is primal of all faiths. I believe in Jesus. I don't as many others believe in six-day creation, burning bushes, infallibility of a pope etc. It's easy to accept what you believe because it encompasses the command to love each other.

Democracy whole different thing. I'm pickier there. For all the Constitution says, I was in Oxford when it took America's finest of the 82nd and 101st, mostly blacks, to enforce constitutional equality promises; two killed---one a colleague---300 injured to enrol a black air force veteran at Ole Miss.

Your and my country are still a long way from living to the high standards of our constitutions and bills of rights because majorities making the rules aren't ready to cede to deserving minorities, constitutions be damned. Why should the rights of minorities have to be put to a vote anyway?

Wouldn't it be better to have the rights of a minority upheld with the express consent of the majority rather than, take your pick: a ruling of a stacked, biased, activist Supreme Court which many members here claim? Constitutions work when they have consent of citizens. I don't see much of it.

Well, that was disappointing. Not even a passing mention of the Nova Scotian nut spearer.

Why dont youz guys don your gay apparel and head over to shooting sportsman bbs. They have a political section there. This is a golf and hockey bbs with the occasional double gun thread.

Azalea. 13
(The Masters)