Originally Posted By: King Brown
Him, God, The Great Spirit is all the same to me out of respect for all faiths, as I explained to Stan. As for the other, your posts are the most conspicuous self-abasement I've read on a website. Fill your boots. You don't realize your serial negativity and bombast makes you appear as a tiresome little man.

You don't realize that your serial bullshit and lies, which you will not and cannot back up, make you appear as a dishonest old fool who will say anything and go to any length to run away from the obvious. My boots are not filling because I am one here who refuses to step in your steaming piles of bullshit and dishonesty.

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Your and my country are still a long way from living to the high standards of our constitutions and bills of rights because majorities making the rules aren't ready to cede to deserving minorities, constitutions be damned. Why should the rights of minorities have to be put to a vote anyway?

To answer this totally off-topic and political question... even though you are unable to answer my questions or address your obvious lies... and using the same logic you apply to our 2nd Amendment... because they are the subject of an enduring debate.

That's the second time you've used the term self-abasement. I'm glad to see that even at your age, you can still learn new words to try to impress folks with. Now don't you think it's time you learned what it means? Then perhaps you can stop your self-abasement. Nobody believes your bullshit King. More lies, more pretending you won't talk politics here, and more changing the subject to the rights of minorities or hockey isn't going to change that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.