Rocketman's data separates the vintage makers by the relative value their wares bring today, which probably answers the OP's question as well as anything as he asks about "reputation"

The top category consists of four makers, Boss, Woodward, Purdey and H &H.

The next group consists of Westley Richards, Dickson, Rigby, Grant, Beesley, Powell, Atkin, Churchill, Henry, Lancaster, Evans, Watson, Wilkes, Greener, Boswell, Gibbs and Lang.

After that it's the rest of the British trade.

According to his data, everything else being equal, if the British trade product is worth $4, the WR, Dickson etc group would be worth $6 and the Purdey group would be worth $8.

Last edited by canvasback; 04/02/18 11:22 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia