When I, and others, say hot core we mean that the density of the shot distribution increases from the edge of the pattern toward the center. You can break a clay bird, showing you the belly, every time with a .005" choke at 30 yards if you have the bird in the center of the pattern, because of increased density. If it is on the edge of that pattern the probability of a break is the lowest, because of lack of density. As the bird is nearer the center of the pattern the probability of a break increases, to a maximum percentage at dead center. This is because of density .............more at the center, lessening as you move out towards the edge. Thus, the colloquialism "hot center".
I do not agree this is a misunderstanding ..............it is an observation of hundreds of patterns and tens of thousands of breaks. Center of pattern = smoke, fringe of pattern = chip.

I would like to think we mean the same thing, Don, but I'm saying it in layman's words and you in scientific terminology. "Normal distribution" for a typical shotgun pattern is for it to possess a distribution that has higher density as you move from the edge towards the center.


Last edited by Stan; 04/08/18 07:04 AM.

May God bless America and those who defend her.