Originally Posted By: Dogfox
Originally Posted By: 992B

Was Bob Eyster, just a shyster?

Do you mean the late Ken Eyster, with his art and science carried on by son Jim? Kenny sure attracted many of the top sporting clays shooters 'though many never talked about bore and choke work by the man.

Yes, I meant Ken Eyster. Thanks for correcting me. He’s not the only custom chokesmith.

If Dr. Jones is right, then all the custom chokesmiths that have ever lived, or will live, are in the same category as the certified psychics and telepreachers you see on cable television.

According to Dr. Jones, there are no fliers, no hot cores, and no patchiness, and even shotballing, are all merely a normal distribution curve. All choke does is press down the shot charge, so that the pattern spreads according to normal distribution later rather than sooner.More choke effect, smaller circles, less choke effect, larger circles. The dead hand of Gauss determines all patterns,,,,except spreader loads.

The disciples of Dr. Jones, say that all patterns will be the same, just at different distances from the muzzle, and they spread their heresy to all nations. Hard shot, just is affected more by choke. Soft shot requires more choke. All choke can do is make smaller circles.

All the old time chokesmiths, preach and practice the religion that better patterns are possible by harder, rounder shot, and better choke work.

If Dr. Jones is right, all the chokesmiths are wrong.

Last edited by 992B; 04/09/18 09:29 AM.