Originally Posted By: 992B

If Dr. Jones is right, then all the custom chokesmiths that have ever lived, or will live, are in the same category as the certified psychics and telepreachers you see on cable television.

If Dr. Jones is right, all the chokesmiths are wrong.

Welllll, lemme see now - what does the data support?

Let's look at the data available obtained and analyzed either supporting the barrel/choke gurus or that that they themselves offer up. Oooops - there ISN'T any!!! Nothing but opinions!
Now let's look at the data on the other hand. The problem is where to start with the wealth of data supporting the anti-gurus. As I suggested before, Mr. Winston is an excellent entre to that fund of information.

It's not a matter of faith or belief. What does the data support? That is the only real world approach.

And in the final analysis it is still only a shotgun. Get over it.

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