Eugene, I am still curious about my original hypothesis - that 1) the Lefaucheux was unlikely to have a Paris proof mark, and 2) a Paris proof mark is a relatively rare thing on pre-1885 guns. Is that a fair assumption? Was M. Didier-Drevet correct? Many thanks and I learn every day.

By the way what part of Normandy are you from? For a week a few years ago I explored the area where the 82nd Airborne jumped on 06 Juin 1944 - From Saint Mere Elise, Chef du Pont, to Pont l'Abbe (Picauville) across the Mederet River and down to Baupt. My father was killed at Pretot. Photos from his camera here:

Gene Williams

Last edited by Argo44; 04/21/18 06:35 AM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch