Sorry to seem evasive here gents, but I don't always have all the free time I'd like to hang out here with you all. I am self employed and have a full plate and also a pretty busy personal schedule, so my replies and posts may tend to dribble in as time permits. That is just the way it is!

OK, for the short answer, I was born in 1949. The Hutton's moved into a house next door in 1958. John passed away in the spring of 1965. eightbore, I am not saying that John couldn't have been the gunsmith you are referring to, but I strongly doubt that John Hutton retired to Berryville, Virginia after working for Parker-Whelen because he wasn't really old enough to retire in the middle 1940's, and he had been employed by the National Bureau of Standards in Washington up to at least 1954 when he transferred to a newly built NBS facility which opened in Boulder, CO in 1954 (home of the famous ATOMIC CLOCK, which all world time is set by). I have more info and lots of photos of this gun on my FLICKR picture hosting web site that I'll provide a link for you to see. I'll also try a post at least one stock photo here: