John, I got in from the fields, had supper with Queen, and have now enjoyed the video treat. What a treasure is that river! You are surrounded by eons of historical evidences.

I grew up on and around a river, too, the Savannah. It is a much larger river, and contains much prehistorical remains, as Gil noted, but not in the amount of the Chickasawhay. The video is so well done, too. Thanks for sharing it with me, and the board frequenters.

As a lad I walked the fields that bordered the Savannah River swamp and collected native American artifacts. I have accumulated quite a collection over the decades God has blessed me with here, and continue to find one from time to time. I looked hard this afternoon, in several fields I was preparing for peanut planting, for "arrowheads" or other artifacts, but no luck. I once found a petrified sand dollar as I squatted by a newly constructed reservoir of about 10 acres here, hoping to kill a duck or two, as a young man. That stuff kind of puts a man in his place, if you know what I mean.

All my best, SRH

May God bless America and those who defend her.