Howdy PhysDoc,
Thank you for your sincere compliment, sir. I am very glad that a few have gotten something out of my small effort here.

I do a lot of gun photography related to my work, so I have a semi-permanent setup that I use. I have two vertical diffusor panels erected parallel to one another and about 1-1/2 feet apart to the right and left of the gun I am photographing. These panels are each about a foot high and 2-1/2 feet wide. They are each supported by a free standing PVC tubular framework. I have two electronic flashes set about 1-1/2 feet from the outside of each panel and about 2 feet off the floor. Each flash has a small diffusion panel attached to it's front and the flash units are angled down so that some of the light passes through the diffusion panel, and some passes over the closest panel and hits the inside of the further panel and bounces back in towards the gun. This happens from both sides and results in very complimentary lighting for gun photography.
I have experimented with all sorts of diffusion material and found that the white thin foam sheeting, used for packing material and often referred to as ChemSeal, works very well. Other things such as some types of shower curtains can also work well. If I knew how to post pics here, I would, but so far that ability alludes me completely.

Yes, I am in the KC area, in an exurb just to the SE. I have been an MVACA member for about 20 years and have a met a few of you.