When I was a boy there was a spring that flowed out of the side of a hill on a farm near me, and near the Savannah River. It literally flowed out of a hole in the side of a little bluff. We would wade into the stream, dip our hands into the sand on the bottom, and sift out shark's teeth with our fingers. They were there every time I ever went. I went back a few years ago and the new owner has fenced it all in and let a herd of cows use the spring to drink, and they have destroyed the place.

When they were excavating the site for the first two reactors and ancillary structures at Plant Vogtle they unearthed an entire whale skeleton. It now resides in a museum at Ga. Southern University, in Statesboro.



Last edited by Stan; 05/02/18 08:54 PM.

May God bless America and those who defend her.