I am cross-eyed dominant. I don't know how but I pick things up and automatically know which eye I should be using. A camera left eye, gun right eye, reading well that's an interesting thing. About 10 years ago my eyes started to deteriorate like all of us over 50. To compensate I just used a contact in my left eye for distance vision. My right eye for close up reading, etc with no correction. I became mono-vision. When I hunted I had a special contact for my right eye so it would start focus at the front bead and reach out about 40 yards. With big game I use 15/20 in each eye and adjust my scopes according. Now my right eye had deteriorated to the point I need a special contact for reading. The problem I'm having is the focal point from reading to using a computer screen is different and I haven't got the right contact yet.

My point in all of this is that I have trained my brain to accept different ways of seeing with each eye and I think if I can do it many of you should also be able to do it and train your brain to use the eye you want to use for the specific purpose.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.