Maybe, maybe not. You won't notice me.

I am quite content to go unnoticed in times of civil strife. I embrace my lack of remarkability, my blandness bordering on invisibility. I am the hard boiled egg on white bread on a white tablecloth.

I am the English sparrow, the blackbird, and the anchovy, all wrapped into one. No one notices I've been there, before I am not.

I am the unremarkable "Grey man".

I have tested my lack of interest to others from time to time. Going so far as to introduce myself and make small talk. I leave people believing they were talking to themselves. I am they. Seldom do people remember me, or even care we met. I have almost completely perfected my frictionless path through group assemblies. I leave no footprints or distinguishable aroma's. My loudest tie is brown. My wildest vehicle is tan. The wheels are black. The windows are tinted dark. The mufflers are the quietest. The tire treads just M+S generics. I wear a grey baseball cap. A dark blue windbreaker. Loose tactical jeans. Sunglasses. No facial hair. No tats.

No one cares, and I go about my business.
Or maybe not. You won't really remember if I was there or if you just thought I was.

It's all just grey.

Last edited by ClapperZapper; 05/11/18 03:43 PM.

Out there doing it best I can.