Originally Posted By: 2-piper

An act of Congress back in the 1920's as I recall declared this war should be called "The War Between the States". Most "Yankees" call it he War of Southern Rebellion while most Southerners call it the War of Northern Aggression or War for Southern Independence.

As a lifelong Yankee (from Iowa, the state that contributed more soldiers per capita to the Union Army than any other) I can't recall ever having heard the term "War of Southern Rebellion"--certainly not in any classes I had in school on the subject. Always either the Civil War or the War Between the States. When I moved to Northern Virginia, I soon learned that there were other terms for it.

Re "facts" about zombies: I'm very sure about their non-existence. Right up there with vampires and werewolves. Since none of those exist, I'm not concerned about any attempt on their part to take over the world.