An Iowian is not a "Yankee", they're a midwesterner. Tennessee amazingly was also very high on the list of supplying soldiers to the Union Army. Sent more than most of the Northern states. In fact "WE" voted down secession first time around. Didn't secede until Lincoln called on us to supply troops after Fort Sumter. Thus TN did NOT secede over slavery, but because we refused to take up arms against the states who had seceded.

Another fact you'll not be taught in history books is the only income the Federal Government had prior to this war was through Tariffs. The South in spite of its much smaller size & population was paying about 80% of this tariff. A new tariff law had just been passed which raised tariffs from around 13% to as high as 40+% on many items.

Although passed just prior to his election Lincoln had pledged it his full support. Charleston being a major place of both import & export, upon Lincoln's election seceded, not wanting to collect this tariff.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra