Originally posted by Dig:
...I get(unreasonably) distressed when I hear of the butchery of the finest guns that Britain produced by foreign owners who do not understand them and the principles on which they were made...
Dig, true enough, this happens. But I have seen more than a few that were butchered prior to arrival on our steamy shores. Makes me want to weep to see a fine old gun rendered useless by a few minutes of 'improvement' with a barrel hone or reamer. Another peeve is sleeving perfectly good Damascus barreled guns...

It seems that are at least a few providers in the UK who pick up any gun they can find, monkey with the mechanicals, slap a coat of finish on the stock and ship it off to us Yanks. Keeps our better smiths in business, tho', so I am grateful for that facet of the practice.

C Man

C Man
Life is short
Quit your job.
Turn off the TV.
Go outside and play.