Originally Posted By: ChiefAmungum
Well Brent I could safely wager that those plains dwelling turkeys had little effect on ruffed grouse, yes?
Let's engage a moment. Would you agree that turkey may have an impact on ruffed grouse? A contribution to their decline?

Why quite obviously the plains turkeys completely exterminated the Ruffed Grouse from the western plains. There isn't even a single ruff left out there anywhere... smile

In lieu of something like real data (which may actually exist if anyone cares to look, but who cares?), I will stick with turkeys having not more then epsilon and probably much less effect than that on ruffed grouse. Of course, epsilon is a fairly small number, so I could be wrong.

I kinda like real data, not armchair acrobatics before I pass judgement. Just a weird hang up that I have.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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