Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Originally Posted By: GLS
nca225, there's a time and place for everything and this isn't the time.

I am astounded by nca's post, and I can't believe that it represents his true feelings. Losing the 2016 Prez election has unhinged the liberals in America. I've posted before: Liberals and conservatives no longer disagree with one another, they hate each other...Geo

Give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself.........

Don't be astounded, Geo. It's their nature. I don't hate them..........I hate what they stand for.


Their goal is the destruction of the United States any way they can.

Planned parent hood...originally thought up to control the black and poor and uneducated population.

That goes had in hand with open boarders...destroy a country from within or demolish their culture.

I'll say it I hate their damn guts and I'm proud of it.