I never understood a philosophy built on hate, envy, hypocrisy and so many double standards which has become the Liberal viewpoint. The right is not perfect by any means but I accept their message that people need to be allowed to succeed on their own merits as well as fail. You can not have decades to a century long affirmative action or government action without end. After awhile people need to accept their results instead of blaming others.

Politics is all about money. You can stir up more money if you can play off one group off against another and make the contrast well defined and refuse to work with them. The only important thing to elected officials is to stay in power not fix things. So the Liberals have taken over the Democratic Party and seem to like making their members all think they are victims and those who dont agree with their every view are suppressors.

People who hate others because they are more successful and tell themselves selves and others its all because of unfair advantages. They refuse to accept most things come with hard work, sacrifice, education of skills which have real world value, not a price of paper which claims you are an expert. People who hate other races but then get pissed when they think others are being racist towards them. The hypocrisy of a womans right to abortion whenever they choose but then those same people are so violently oppose to the death sentence. The hypocrisy of being outraged when children are separated at the border but would have had no problem had the mother aborted that same child before birth.

These same people want to riot when they loose an election. Want to ignore laws which they dont like. That want free stuff and dont care who pays for it as long as they get what they want. That want to take away from the rich to distribute as they see fit. Well screw you. I did not see you studying hard, paying for an education out of my own pocket because at the time I was not a minority, not given a free ride and at the time did not get government paid educational monies. I later did not see you serving in the military to protect this country. Most rich people worked hard for their money. Paid taxes on everything they have. They did not cry for free, cry for more. They just want government to do its job to protect them, not tell them what to think and how to run their lives.