I QUOTED your exact words to Lloyd Nancy-boy. 100% Exact. Unedited. I didn't include your erroneous links about climate change for the sake of brevity.

I didn't put anybody's words in your mouth except your own. My comment was MY comment. I never said that you said anything other than what I quoted from your earlier comment. That was you who noted a certain irony that a supporter of the Republican Party would contract Lyme Disease, wasn't it? Not one person who saw your earlier comment to Lloyd saw it in the disingenuous way you are attempting to frame it now. Your back-pedaling isn't working. It was quite evident what you meant by the words you posted.

Now you can compound your ignorance by showing us exactly where I accused "the preacher" of putting words in my mouth. I accused him of a number of things, but putting words in my mouth wasn't one of them.

Honesty never was one of your strong points nca225. Stupidity... yes. Poor reading comprehension... yes. Posting filthy comments about my daughters, and telling us how glad you were to do that... yes! By the way, "they" turn on me because "they" are Libtards like you, and "they" don't like it when I point out their hypocrisy, dishonesty, or support for the anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat Party. When guys with those mindsets turn on me, I know I must be doing something right.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.