Drew you might ought to read this and stop hitting yourself in the eYe.

Originally Posted By: ed good
He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone...

shortly thereafter, a rock came sailing over the crowd and hit the sinner square in the forehead...

the messiah was heard to exclaim..."mom, must you always make things more complicated than they have to be?"

Originally Posted By: Drew Hause
Here's the problem Keith. "You will learn that here on the internet, you can pretend to be whatever you want to be" only applies to those who cowardly hide behind internet anonymity. Those with the cojones to reveal their identiy, like Larry, and Michael, and Greg, and King, and many others here, EVEN ed, don't have that choice, and likely are more careful with their words, and insults.

Please save us the smart azz come back claiming to be someone you are not. Sorta sounds like jaeger doesn't it? Or whining about being personally attacked. Or JamesM delusional paranoia that you are being threaten.

And BTW: those who continually insult other adult males suggesting they are behaving like women, or are F.A.G.s, frequently have some gender identity conflict with self-loathing projection.

P.S. You can find my home phone and address at the bottom here. I can't hide like you, and I am neither a liar nor a coward

I know you like to brag about your mission trips and the good you think you are doing.....All through history people have felt the need to try and force their religious beliefs on the world and hide behind the name missionary....with nothing but ill effect in some form or fashion. Mainly the destruction of culture.

At one time nature had a way of making things work out...might be why we have all these homos that claim they were born that way.

Before you think it crazy look at the way mother nature controls animal populations...whitetail deer too many and the doe will have single fawns...bad enough and they will abort. Plenty of browse/food and doe will drop twin fawns maybe even triplets.

Coyote populations are naturally controlled the same way. Over population small liters...if there is plenty of food and you shoot the hell out of them in an area they will come back three fold.

Is the modern homos / queer etc...a form of population control brought on man by mother nature ?