Well nca225, when your (sic) right, your (sic) right!

Unfortunately, once again, you are 100% wrong.

Drew made a stupid statement in the post you quoted, but he did not put words in my mouth there. Now, had he said something like, "Keith, you told us that you are an Award Winning Wine maker, so cut the crap already, your wine is made by someone else."... now that would be an example of putting words in my mouth. Another example would be the many times his paragon of virtue, King Brown, tried to tell everyone that that he was pretending to IGNORE me because I had disrespected his Dad. I repeatedly asked King to show us those words he was putting in my mouth, but he couldn't because he was simply lying once again.

Another example of putting words in my mouth was your oft-repeated assertion that I had said things about your Mother equal to the filthy things you posted about my daughters. I repeatedly asked you to show us that, but again, it wasn't possible because the only mention I ever made of your Mom was that you were so mentally ill that you were a danger to her like the Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza.

Drew did come very close to putting words in my mouth when he intentionally perverted the meaning of the acronym F.A.G.'s. But that was simply an example of him dishonestly twisting the meaning of what I had posted. It was no honest mistake because I very clearly explained and defined what it meant. I did call him and his fellow Fake Ass Gentlemen here F.A.G.'s. But I clearly did not intend to imply that they were homosexuals. Now when I call you a fag nca225, I mean that your picture should be on Three Dollar Bills. Got it?

Sometimes it is tough to include all of my fan club in one basket. But if you can't see that most of them are Libtards and FUDD's and fools who think that you can support anti-gun Liberal Left politicians and consider themselves to be pro-gun, then you are blind and dishonest. Gregory is an exception. It is very easy to look back to the time when Gregory began feeling it was his duty to hammer me. It wasn't because of my stand on Gun Rights or Conservative values. It was because he felt I was disrespecting the military service of his friend Larry Clown. He was clearly mistaken, and I do regret that he has this notion that I would ever disrespect our Servicemen and Veterans. I also regret that I have been unable to make him understand that, especially considering his support for the 2nd Amendment, the NRA, and our pro-gun President. I do disrespect Larry's overt and covert Liberalism, his unwavering defense of a religion that is largely hostile to Jews, Christians, and the U.S., and I also disrespect Larry's stupid support of lead ammunition bans. Larry would claim that he does not support lead ammo bans, but his words and his blind acceptance of junk anti-lead science say otherwise. If Gregory wishes to continue his attacks on me, I will respond. Otherwise, I am more than willing to accept that he simply misinterpreted my criticism of Larry Clown, and call a truce. His call.

I do want to thank you for being my useful idiot, and once again proving another point I have made repeatedly. I saw your erroneous post a few hours ago, but intentionally waited to see if any of the F.A.G.'s (Fake Ass Gentlemen) and Thread Police would jump in to attack you for your latest gleeful affirmation of your filthy attacks on my children.

If I had done one-tenth as much, and repeated earlier attack's on a man's children, they would be whining and crying, wringing their disingenuous hands, and notifying Dave in the hopes of getting me censored and banned from the forum.

Drew would be lecturing me about being a coward for posting filthy insults and comments about a man's family while not using my full name. He would also post some quotes from St. Ambrose or the Bible to show us his moral superiority. Old Colonel Gladys Kravitz would be in full attack mode and probably start a new Thread dedicated to getting others to pile on me. He would be PM'ing and e-mailing King and other F.A.G.'s to plan a strategy. King Brown, a man with daughters of his own, would be repeatedly posting about my "crude and foul mouthed behaviour". B. Dudley would be calling me a shit-stain, and BrentD would stupidly reply, "Yup". Dr. Wanker and Steven SDH-MT would respond by once again showing that they aren't bright enough to really IGNORE me, even when Dave provides them with a handy tool to do so.

But once again, they all show us what they are made of by their silence. They show us that they don't really care about "civility" here. They once again demonstrate their hypocrisy and their highly selective definition of "manners". Their ability to "see no evil" when you post what you did about Lloyd's illness, and your past and your latest attack on my children speaks volumes about them. I can guarantee that none of them will notify Dave or make the suggestion that everyone should IGNORE you. And just think nca225, you made that point better than anything I have said. Idiot!

Now, to get back on topic... since you have the brain of a tick nca225, do you think you could talk to them and convince them to stop biting us?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.