I want to hear our brilliant ex-CIA intelligence analyst Larry Clown tell us once again how Muslims will never have a significant impact upon the U.S.

When he made that ridiculous statement, I asked him about those big holes in the grounds in NYC where nearly 3000 Americans were killed in the worst attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. I asked him about the billions of dollars we are now forced to spend annually on a TSA and Dept. Of Homeland Security. I asked him about the added time we are forced to endure going through airports because of the actions of adherents of the so-called religion of peace he repeatedly goes out of his way to defend.

But Larry can't possibly answer these questions without admitting he is wrong. And we all know this bloviating know-it-all could never do that. So Larry pretends to IGNORE me, because that is the easy way to avoid tough questions and the truth.

And again, none of this has a damn thing to do with double shotguns, hunting, or the tick-borne diseases we face as outdoorsmen. And again, we aren't seeing any of the F.A.G.'s and Thread Police complaining about it. I frequently wonder if Larry and Gregory win arguments with their wives or children by flouting their military service. I have often heard guys at the local VFW mocking their fellow veterans who never shut up about their service. Of course, they are in a better position to know if these guys are F.O.S. or not than I am. There are a lot of guys on this website that made the sacrifice to serve their country, but only two who can't stop bragging about it.

Edit: You'd think the Great King Brown would know that Sikhs and Muslims are two distinctly different religions. Many Sikhs have been tortured and killed by Muslims for refusing to convert to Islam.

Last edited by keith; 07/08/18 08:43 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.