Originally Posted By: keith

Edit: You'd think the Great King Brown would know that Sikhs and Muslims are two distinctly different religions. Many Sikhs have been tortured and killed by Muslims for refusing to convert to Islam.

keith, its Larry who doesnt know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims. I thought King had him straightened out on the matter.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Just a PS to Larry's on military intelligence. A Vancouver Sikh detective, Harjit Singh, was considered by US and Canadian commanding generals in Afghanistan as "the best intelligence source in theatre," on his fourth tour seconded to the US commander General Terry. He spoke Punjabi and Urdu. He now is Canada's defence minister.

Still pumping Harjit, eh, King. Fookin guy better learn Cinese pronto or hes going to end up in Brussels building that imaginary EU Army. Even that would be a step up from Ottawa!

Side note: Seems our President isnt the only one who likes to grab them by the pu$$y, eh?

Gotta get ready for church. Peace.