Originally Posted By: craigd

Larry's making it sound like it was good old US military tactics that the middle eastern enemy adopted. So, I guess you don't feel that at least some domestic attacks were, or may in the future be, at the hands of 'islamist terrorists'? Are we thinking we should bring muslim mercenaries to the homeland and hope for the best.

Craig, if that isn't a strawman, I've never put a match to one. Muslim mercenaries HERE? Right. How about the idea of Muslims fighting Muslims THERE, on THEIR turf, which reduces the likelihood of Islamist terrorist attacks here? Have we witnessed anything even remotely approaching 9/11 since we carried the fight to them on their turf? Do we currently have hundreds of thousands of American boots on the ground--or anything even remotely approaching those numbers? Helping the Muslims who oppose the radicals with much smaller numbers of American troops is working. It will be a long fight, but so far it has succeeded in protecting the US from anything like another 9/11. Currently, annual deaths from violent crime in Chicago far exceed those killed by Islamist terrorists in this country. Just to inject some perspective.