Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: gjw

I also don't trust the Russian either, never have. Putin is just another Red Tsar trying to reform the old USSR.

I thank God we have a man like Trump in office, a man of his word and he tells it like it is. Refreshing!


If it was the conclusion of our intelligence agencies that the Russians, at Putins directive, interfered with our election to benefit Trump, and yet you do not trust the Russians and never have, have you ever wondered why the Russians wanted Trump? And does your lack of trust for the Russians, whom actively worked to elect our president, and undermine other western democracies, ever given you a moment to consider the basis for Trumps contempt for NATO, which, ironically works towards Russian national interests?

Seems somewhat counterintuitive.


I don't know the extent or even if they tried to influence the election. If the Russians did, and I mean if they did. They may have thought that Trump would be a buffoon who would screw up our system and would weaken it to their advantage. There is NO solid evidence of Trump acting with the Russians. There is evidence of the Russians in bed with the DNC and Hillary's campaign. But we can go on and on, on this subject, so it's moot to continue it here.

As far as NATO goes, they do need to pay their part in this alliance, they haven't so far. They want us to defend them at our expense. The NATO members who do their part are those from the former Warsaw pact and the Baltic states, they know what the Russians are like, first hand. They want to keep their freedom and are willing to pay what their economies allow to keep it. Trump is just giving NATO a stiff kick in the ass to get them off their ass, and it's while he's not the most polished diplomat, he's getting the job done his way and is looking out after the US ahead of anyone else, as he should be.

Just my thoughts



Gregory J. Westberg