Even though he was off topic once again, it was good of Larry Clown to point out the false information that nca225 posted once again.

We knew or suspected that Russia had been meddling in elections around the world for decades. Nothing new or earth shattering there. Still zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russians to cheat their anti-gun gal Hillary out of the election. Maybe they should be mad at Donna Brazille and the DNC for colluding to cheat Bernie Sanders and throw the nomination to Hillary. What we won't see from nca225, rocky mtn bill, King Brown, or any of our other very reliable supporters of anti-gun Democrats is this... The fact that Obama's State Dept. used U.S. tax dollars in an effort to influence the Israeli elections and get rid of Pres. Benjamin Netanyahu. Of course, anti-gun Democrat Bill Clinton also tried to make sure Netanyahu didn't get elected, another case of election meddling Liberals won't talk about:


Obama had also interfered in elections in Kenya (2006 as a Senator), Macedonia, Egypt, Libya, Honduras, and supported Leftist movements around the world.

Now, who would like to see Larry contribute something about ticks and Lyme Disease?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.