Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: tut
Sure, watched everyone of them. BTW, I didn't vote for Clinton. Been a Republican for my entire life FWIW.

Well...then... Its great you have been a repedophile for your whole life and unquestionably voted with your tribe in the election. Perhaps if you had taken a minute to consider the obvious deficiencies of your party's candidate,( i.e. being totally in the bag for Russia at every step, in addition to denying/ignoring the intelligence briefings that were given to him as a candidate and reported on by all media but FOX), you might have taken action when it counts and not betrayed the memory and sacrifice of your deceased colleagues.

I know I'm a d!ck for pointing out the obvious, but your epiphany is too little too late, and not really welcomed by real patriots.

Real patriots did not vote for trump, and yet we still have to deal with the result of your choices.

Jumping to conclusions. Even though I supported Trump I didn't vote for him or Clinton either. I couldn't vote for trump after the video came out. Too much respect for women to do that. I voted for John Kasich. I couldn't pull the lever for either of the other ones

foxes rule