Originally Posted By: tut
Had nothing to do with ticks, but I spent 30 years working with the Intel Community and what Trump did yesterday was offensive to me personally in a big big way.

Bravo, Tut. You're not the only Intel Community veteran who feels that way. But we can all be proud of Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats' remarks, reaffirming that the Intelligence Community stands behind its findings on Russian meddling in our elections. If they accomplish nothing else but spreading discord in this country, that's a win for them. That's been their game forever.

Collusion . . . we've yet to see any proof. But when the CIA meddles in elections--which it did on many occasions, especially during the Cold War (to keep the Commies from coming to power via the ballot box)--the tactic certainly involved looking for local politicians with whom to "collude". In the old days, the Russians used local Communists. These days, they're harder to find. But there are plenty of willing dupes who will let the camel's nose into the tent in order to help them win an election.