It looks as if you need to read your own links about "whataboutism" Nancy-boy.

Here's a quote for you transgender nca225... since you couldn't comprehend it the first time around. Don't waste our time anymore until you read and reply to these points. You and rocky mtn bill and Jagermeister all need to go tell someone who cares what you all think over on the Libtard Gun Forum.

Originally Posted By: keith
This is funny. Poor nca225 needs to explain why it has been OK for Russia to meddle in elections around the world for decades, but it only became a problem when Hillary lost.

Then she (nca225) can explain why it was OK for the DNC to screw Bernie out of the nomination in favor of Hillary. Russian meddling is bad, but DNC meddling is good???

Then it would be really amusing to hear her tell us how it was OK for Obama to spend our tax dollars meddling in the Israeli election in an attempt to defeat Netanyahu.

Now Trump is guilty of treason for talking with Putin, but it was cool for Obama to get caught on an open microphone telling the Russian ambassador he could be "more flexible with Putin after the election". How soon we forget... And how convenient too.

Libtard lies and Libtard sour grapes from someone who has the brain of a tick. Oh, did anyone notice that the real nca225 is back... The one who cannot write or spell? Ghost writer must've taken a day off.

Still can't answer the questions. Still can't comprehend them... to be more accurate.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.