Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Tried to have meaningful discussions with you. Gave you my opinion that stupid name calling was a pointless exercise. Encouraged you not to go down that road. But your paranoia got the best of you and that was the end of that.

Truth is CB you did not try to have meaningful conversations. You, for as much as you tried to be "nice" about it, spewed the same vile anti democratic propaganda and contempt for liberals that all of your internet pals do. Your message is still the same although delivered in a civil manner. At least kieth doesn't veil his contempt with a polite disposition.

Originally Posted By: canvasback
You think being critical of my politeness is stinging? You are delusional. You have been ranting here now for several days. Yes, ranting. And the rest of us, even those members on my left, have been treated to your ad hominom attacks on everyone who disagrees with you, regardless of how they may have phrased their disagreement.

If you think I'm just being critical of your politeness, your just plain misinformed. I'm being critical of your false pretenses. I'm also critical of your astounding lack of judgement....

If you think I'm being critical of your stance or lack of judgement, I'm still waiting for you to intelligently express it. It's just plain you.