Truth is CB you did not try to have meaningful conversations.....

When I said meaningful conversation I meant a respectful presentation of our differing viewpoints with an expected back and forth, not an abject capitulation to your delusions. That conversation stopped because when I asked to move it from PM to email, you refused, citing paranoid concerns about being identified.

If you think I'm just being critical of your politeness, your just plain misinformed. I'm being critical of your false pretenses............. Each time I've "ranted" about the obvious and currently being thoroughly investigated.......

Ive put forth nothing under false pretences. Falling on the right of the political spectrum, supporting the 2cd and knowing Hilliary and Bill to be liars and crooks are not mutually exclusive of civil discourse. I refer to you ranting because of your foul mouth personal attacks on everyone so far who has disagreed with you.

And NO, I am not attacking everyone who disagrees with me. I am attacking everyone who whom either out of ignorance or greed saddled my country with this disastrous piece of sh!t traitor. Sorry you fell into that group, but you earned your spot.......

In fact you have attacked everyone who disagrees with you. You did it before Trump was elected and you continue to do it now.

As time has passed and you have revealed more of yourself through your posts here, I have come to regret ever engaging with you. Your juvenile tantrums serve no purpose but to demonstrate your immaturity and lack of self control. Those are the issues at the heart of Keiths beef with you and you continue to give vent to them despite years passing and the opportunity for growth that comes with the passage of time.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia