Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Business tip for Dave Weber; delete everything in this thread past page two...Geo

That would be a big mistake in my opinion. I know Geo pretends to IGNORE me, but I can't help wondering why he repeatedly tries to save nca225 from himself/herself.

So the thread gets deleted once again. And then nca225 returns once again in a couple weeks pretending to be reasonable and civil, as he/she did in his/her recent exchange with Gregory where he/she pretended to actually respect the U.S. military. What a joke!

This is why I say that you can learn as much about people as you can about doubles here... If you pay attention. Delete the exchange with the anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Left Socialists like nca225 and rocky mountain bill, and you have given them cover and buried an important lesson about so-called gun guys/gals who are continually stabbing us in the back and undermining our gun rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.