So I guess nca225 still would rather pitch the phony DNC propaganda rather than answer the question about Obama's hot microphone gaff where he promised Medved that he would be more flexible with Putin after his re-election. No, he/she would rather engage in dishonest conjecture along with the 24/7 anti-Trump fake news reporters at CNN and MSLSD about what Trump might have said to Putin in perfectly legitimate private talks.

Um, we sure didn't see Trump or anyone in his family getting $500,000 for a single speech in Russia after the Uranium One deal. That was Bill Clinton. And we didn't see the Trump Foundation getting $145 million from Russians either, as the Clinton Foundation did.

Those troubling little details were reported in the Liberal New York Times and Washington Post. The Washington Post said the Clintons should be investigated for those highly irregular payoffs.

But it's much easier to hurl filthy remarks toward JOe and Stan than it is to be bothered with uncomfortable facts. I also wouldn't mind hearing how it is consistent with taking the Oath of Office when Liberal Left Democrats keep trying to ban guns and ammunition too. That behavior sure ain't preserving and protecting our 2nd Amendment.


A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.