Your links wouldn't open. Probably just as well. Who knows what kind of virus or gay porn you might try to get us to click on.

Pretty far-fetched to think that Russians making a few thousand Facebook posts could have actually overcome over $1.2 BILLION that Hillary Clinton spent trying to get elected. And I seriously doubt if you'd care to admit how much of that $1.2 BILLION came from misogynists and pedophiles in Saudi Arabia. And I'm sure you've heard that Saudi's stone gay people to death. That's gotta hit awfully close to home for you.

But anyway, it is obvious that you don't want to go anywhere near that hot microphone gaff where Obama promised to be more flexible with Putin after the election. If Trump got caught doing that, you and every Democrat would be going even more nuts than you are now. There is simply no comparison between that and Trump having a meeting with Putin... particularly after the amount of sanctions he has imposed upon Russia, and his efforts to actually strengthen NATO instead of weakening it as Obama did by blocking construction of the missile shield in Eastern Europe.

There are plenty of Liberal sources you can find that feel the cash transfers to the Clintons after Uranium One should be investigated. I'd love to see that happen, no matter how it turned out. Liberals will do everything in their power to block and ignore it. Just like you. What are you all so afraid of?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.