Wow Billy, even the 24/7/365 anti-Trump fake news reporters at CNN and MSLSD haven't thought about blaming Trump for low grouse and quail populations. Next you'll be telling us that Fred Flintstone was a Republican who was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. No question that George Will is a never-Trumper, but I seriously doubt if he'd advise us to vote for your lying anti-gun Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Believe it or not, quite a few of us Conservatives are into hunting, fishing, and the outdoors, and we care deeply about the environment. The picture you paint of Republicans destroying the planet is simply more of your DNC inspired bullshit. For example, in the years since anti-gun Democrat Al Gore told us that polar bears were on the verge of extinction due to global warming, their population has quadrupled.

The horror stories about the Alaskan Pipeline were Liberal lies, and the Keystone pipeline will create thousands of construction jobs and save money for everyone but Democrat rich man Warren Buffet, who is profiting mightily from transporting oil on his polluting and inefficient Burlington Northern Railway.

I'd still like to see your evidence that Trump is a treasonous traitor and Putin Puppet. But we all know you have nothing, and that you are simply a brainless empty suit who thinks it is important to blindly support Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunners. Since you are so worried about new people moving into Montana and building homes resulting in habitat loss, perhaps you can tell us how your own move to Montana was any different. If you think the population is too high, maybe you should do a late term abortion on yourself since you are nothing but a parasite anyway. And don't buy any of that counterfeit Viagra from online Russian Pharmacies. We don't want to hear you crying about Russians meddling with your erections.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.