Originally Posted By: SKB
You can thank Bush 41 NAFTA, he negotiated that beauty.

I guess lefty Stevie missed it when I said that some Republicans were also responsible for part of the mess we're in.

Originally Posted By: keith
In all fairness, some Republicans were also guilty of supporting bad trade deals, taxes, and unnecessary regulations that prompted employers to move production overseas.

Bush 41 was a free trader who started the NAFTA negotiations. It was apparent that it was going to lead to massive job losses and only help our foreign competition. But Liberal Left anti-gun democrat Bill Clinton could have stopped it. Instead, he signed it into law. It was Bill Clinton who dropped the atomic bomb on workers when he finished what Bush 41 started. It was the second piece of legislation he signed after inauguration. The only thing more important to him was to allow gays to join the military, which was the very first thing on his agenda.

Bush 43 was also in favor of so-called Free Trade. Trouble is, most of these deals favored foreign interests and made it tougher for U.S. Corporations and U.S. manufacturing workers to compete. The job losses and Factory closures are undeniable, but many of these fools still cling to even more bad agreements. Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise by fixing their messes. Both Bush's were also too soft on stopping illegal immigration. However, I voted for both of them knowing that either Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or John Kerry would have been much worse choices for our nation on trade, taxes, the Welfare State, immigration, national defense, and especially when it came to preserving the 2nd Amendment.

Originally Posted By: SKB
That was 43 that talked like and idiot and started the war we did not need in Iraq. Bush 41 was well spoken.

I am far from liberal but I do have a strong affinity for the truth.

Lefty Stevie is once again rising up to defend the Liberal Democrats and to denigrate the Republicans. He says he is an independent moderate, but we have never once seen him jump into a thread to defend a Conservative or to defend the 2nd Amendment. He could never show us where he has in the past jumped in to criticize a Democrat for their anti-2nd Amendment actions. I'd like him to show us where he ever did, and I'd like him to show us that his take on the Iraq war is anything but 20-20 hindsight and armchair quarterbacking after the play was ran. His sole contribution to any 2nd Amendment threads in the past has been to attempt to disrupt them, presumably in the hopes of getting them locked or deleted entirely.

SKB Lefty Stevie knows all too well that I could supply dozens of quotes from him to support what I am saying. The fact that he didn't come right out in full support of Hillary while he was criticizing Trump and Republicans is the same sort of disingenuous behavior we saw from Larry Clown and other FUDD supporters of anti-gun Democrats.

By the way, for the millionth time... the Iraq war was not about WMD or about the World Trade Center attack. It was about repeated threats from Saddam Hussein, and his repeated violations of U.N. Sanctions imposed after the 1991 Gulf War. His use of WMD was part of the evidence, and his threats to use WMD again was part of the incentive to attack. 86% of the American public, including many leading Democrat Senators and Congressmen supported going in. WMD was indeed found in Iraq, but he had ample time to move, hide, or dispose of most of it. Liberal Left Democrats will still maintain none was ever found, even after you provide proof, which has been done here numerous times.

This recent claim that Lefty Stevie SKB voted for Trump is a huge surprise since he had nothing good to say about the man when Trump was running for his life in a neck and neck race with the anti-gunner Hillary. Here's where I confronted Stevie about the same line of bullshit in February in my post #506513


I'm going to have to see a lot more before I ever believe he is anything but a Liberal Left Democrat FUDD who finally realizes that openly supporting anti-gunners might not be a good thing for someone who does gunsmithing for a living. My opinion is based totally on what I have seen from him here in the past, and I do not believe one bit of what he is claiming to be now.
This is remarkably similar to seeing King Brown claiming to support the 2nd Amendment after weeks of posting anti-2nd Amendment propaganda right out of Anti-gunner's playbooks. Of course, many here have seen the same thing from Lefty Stevie, and understand the game he is playing. Here's a warning to Stevie from a thread earlier this year, reminding him what happened to Jim Zumbo when he supported banning semi-auto rifles. I'm sure that Stevie won't mind me repeating this since he claims to have such a strong affinity for the truth.

Originally Posted By: buzz
Zumbo only wanted them banned from the prairies and woods. Gunsmiths for gun control.....idk quite what to think about that.

Fool me once... shame on you. Fool me twice... shame on me.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.