A former Co-worker of mine quite commonly made the statement "That's Why They Make Chocolate, Vanilla & 29 Other Flavors". Bottom line is Everyone simply does not like the same things. I bought my first double 64 years ago. From that day to this every double I have hunted with has had a top lever. I have absolutely Nothing against a top lever, but Rest Assured it is not the only one that is useful, efficient & easy to operate. Why did it superceed all other designs. To be honest I don't know, but it wasn't because it was that much Superior to all others & you can Take That to the Bank.

On Feb 1 1876 W Anson & J Deeley was issued US patent #172,943 for a Hammerless Cocking Mechanism & Lock. Was it a good design. Well its still around so apparently many people thought so. Is it "MY" favorite; "NO".

I like my old J P Clabrough sidelock or any of my Lefevers better. I find them just as reliable & far more Aesthetically Pleasing. Are these "Best" guns, no, but they suit me to a T. These are all more than 100 years old, some up to around 125 years old. They are still kicking rather high, much more so than me I am afraid. I have owned an A&D type gun, not a WR though. Was it good, Yes, but I like these others better.

In an 1895-96 Clabrough, Golcher & Co catalog the Clabrough like mine was priced @ $50.00. This was comparable to a #2 L C Smith, PH Parker, G Lefever, #2 Ithaca, A Remington, or B Baker. To keep an even comparison all are non-ejectors.I will say that of all these guns in this price range the Clabrough is the better engraved & few if any of them would I say were better built or fitted.

For a knock-about single the thumb push opener on late H&R's is convenient. Their Transfer Bar is a nice safety feature, but poorly designed. Several years back when I engaged in some part time gunsmithing I always kept several of these in stock. Have no idea how many of them I replaced. They used only one leg to function the bar & after a bit of use it broke off. There was plenty of room in the action to have put a leg on both sides which likely would have made them about 500% stronger, but would have cost a few cents more to make.

Conclusion of the whole matter is there Ain't No Perfect Mechanism I don't care what field you are in. All are compromises to some extent or the other.
No two people value the exact same things. Just because I say something is Not My Favorite is not to say it is Altogether Bad.

Larry is this written plain enough that even you can understand it??

Last edited by 2-piper; 07/29/18 05:08 PM.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra