2 piper,
Setting up an abnormal pressure test, run by an individual for either of these great american double guns proves nothing, except that the original engineering was fantastic for actual usage. The Hodge Breech work and either of these engineering designs proves that virtually no amount of normal pressure used for actual manufacturing of fire arms, will damage or distort the locking system in use with normal shells, although the LeFever engineering will need to be adjusted over time, and the Brown Rotary bolt will self adjust with wear.

Further non of these non scientific uncertified individual tests mean anything, they were not done in a scientific certified manner or method, nobody knows if the testing was even done correctly, by these individual testers, no matter what publication they appeared in.

Knock off the superiority crap, it does not work with me. Intreat me to none of your insults or I will now return them in spades.

L.C. Smith Man

Last edited by Ryman Gun Dog; 08/13/18 03:12 PM.