The Parker, Fox and LC Smith collectors groups are all going to be at the Vintage Cup. The PGCA is holding their annual meeting.

The big 3 domestic SxS collectors are showing up at the Vintage Cup. It makes me wonder... Where are the dealers that sell to them? It seems, to me, a cheap shot to wonder why the Vintage Cup hasn't attracted the dealers they want to see. Every coin has 2 sides. My question would be why haven't the various collectors associations pressed their favorite dealers to show up?

I have watched the Parker/ LC Smith tail-gate sale parties down in the field during the Southern SxS for several years. I can only assume the shoppers and sellers would prefer to deal out of trunks rather than spend a few extra bucks to buy a table and support the event/hosts.

The Vintagers have always looked forward to Kirby Hoyt, Toby Barclay, Robin Hollow, CSMC, Jay from FieldSport, RST and Bob Nay of MacNab to attend. All of them have a fine selection of guns for us to shop.

I like Steve Barnett. Last year he came to the Vintage Cup with many tables of Purdeys. Sadly, the shoppers just weren't there for him.

We as buyers/trader-up folks, have hit a wall. Our dealers transitioned to primarily consignment guns. The TRADE, part of buy-sell-trade is dead when the dealer has to take your gun in trade for a consignment gun. It means that dealer has to tie up his capital in HIS inventory to take your gun.

I sold 2 guns and bought one last year. Most of the Carolina Vintagers who attended bought a gun or 2.

The Collectors Associations are provided their tables gratis at our annual event. The Vintagers make nothing from their attendance, unless they join us.

Basically, they ride for free on our event. As a Vintager, I am happy to have more SxS shooters attend the Vintage Cup. We are trying to rebuild the event to it's best days at Orvis Sandannoa. Bringing in Parker, Smith, Fox, Ithaca, Remington and Lefever shooters can only help grow our SxS events.

Joe in Charlotte
(having said my piece)