Originally Posted By: 1cdog
Originally Posted By: Stan
I'd fund his benefit package myself if he would do that here. While waiting, I keep hoping for CWD to move South.

It's bad when I have had to threaten the friends who hunt my place with banishment if I ever learn they have killed a coyote. Coyotes are my allies in this fight. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". An acquaintance found a coyote den and put a trail camera "on it". The female brought eight fawns in to her pups in one spring. You go, girl.


We have plenty of coyotes on my place in Virginia too but they don't seem to be impacting the deer and that is curious. I think part of the problem is that the deer just move in closer to homes and yards.

I dunno ............. as many deer as we have you wouldn't think the coyotes are doing much either, but eight fawns by one female is pretty significant.I can hear them outside my house at night so close that they can't be over 50 yards out.

My wife walks our little miniature Yorkie on a narrow woods road back to a little irrigation pond behind our house every afternoon. She usually carries a pistol, just in case a yote tries to grab him on the leash. She may not hit him with it, but hopefully he would reconsider if shot at.


May God bless America and those who defend her.