A very complicated situation James. Tribal bonds are strong. Indians do not like to move away from family. Reservations were placed in rural areas for a reason. White folks did not want Indians near white population bases. What does one do? I have very good Native American friends which I spend as much time as I can with each fall. Life is tough on the Rez. Not all of it is the fault of the Natives. Read up on the mismanagement of the Native American Trust Fund. Over 2 Billion in funds missing and when the suite was settled the Government had to restore less than 1/4 of it. Same story with Sales Tax revenues. When the Indians ended up with less than 50% of the land in Mellete County the State sued to claim sales taxes revenue and move the official Rez boundary. The Indians aggressively purchased more land and now own over 50% and tried to have the boundary moved back to the original position. No luck, the State will not budge and still claims all sales tax for itself. Much, much more to it than wanting to be on the Government teat.

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