I had seen that Rio had an affiliation with Eley and even thought they might be producing the bismuth ammo in the UK under CIP rules, but when I asked for pressures I never got an answer when I was assured that "they would get back to me". That's what's nice about B&P. If you go to the Italian web site you get pressure curves for everything. Unfortunately, no non-toxics except steel from them. Maybe things will change in the future.

As for RST they seem perennially out of stock for non-toxic offerings. Although they seem to have stock now, if you like 7/8 ounce loads in 16 gauge. I have a bunch of 16 gauge 7/8 non-toxic I picked up from Griffin and Howe when they were closing them out. They are quite dirty. I have a Connecticut Shotgun Revelation coming in the next couple of weeks, I'll just shoot the Kent bismuth. All of the public land I hunt in WA state requires non-toxic ammo.
